Did that get your attention?
It feels like this message is what a lot of society believes and also the message from the media and what they want us to believe.
When did it become the norm to give a blanket safety to all forms of man made medicines and products while giving a blanket fear and danger towards any natural products?
We want to make it very clear, we think there is a place for medical/man made/synthetic products and drugs. We also think there is a place for natural products and believe these should be the first thing to try in many situations. Drugs and synthetic ingredients/products come from what happens in nature, but they have been copied so they do the same thing every time and can be patented.
Last year we heard about a story where a school had been threatened with legal action because they had put diffusers in every classroom. There are 2 sides to this story and we get both and understand the positive and negative of both sides. The benefits of diffusing oils were to help with cleaning the air from germs and also to help the kids to focus. Great intention behind this, possibly not approached in the best way by the school. We understand the parent's perspective about this being allowed and having concerns.
What we have an issue with is that when someone has a problem with a natural product, be it essential oils, vitamin C or D, DIY cleaning products, coconut oil, herbs or whatever, it often gets nasty. It seems to get people on the band wagon for slamming those products and any other ingredients that could be beneficial and the people that use them. We know that some people have been taken for a ride and hurt by claims and promises - we get that. The term "Snake Oil" has been around for a long time, because people sold things that did nothing!
If someone brought up concerns about chemical cleaning products, or air fresheners or soaps etc being used in schools - or anywhere for that matter, the response tends to be very different. In fact a lot of those types of products seem to be encouraged because the science says they work and we need something that works.
We love the science we have now and how it tells us the benefits of products we use. However, it has been shown that sometimes science can be adjusted to fit the preferred outcome, which is quite sad. We are big believers in personal experiences and testimonies.
We DO NOT for one minute believe that because something worked one way for one person, it will work the same for everyone. There is no one size fits all in nature. BUT that is the same for any synthetic product! If we do not listen to those people who have had success with using natural products for generations, we are limiting ourselves greatly.
Think about those who would live off the land, way before we were marketed to for convenience, among other things. They knew and understood plants and their power. Think of how most households were cleaned with natural ingredients that were often in the pantry already, even used for cooking. We have known for years about the effectiveness of nature, and the gift God gave us to help us daily. Unfortunately there has been a big shift into thinking that natural is ineffective and dangerous.
We could go on for so many things! We haven't even touched on the synthetics, additives and changes made to our food! SPOILER ALERT: they keep adding stuff and telling us it is safe and the world needs it, because the science says so, and natural really isn't best... (but ps, the science keeps changing) Anyone remember when it was safe and encouraged to be exposed to DDT, Asbestos, Lead, Glyphosate, Mercury, Smoking....
When you look at the health of our planet and our society, it makes you think - How dangerous are natural products? Yes, we know some natural products can be dangerous. Use caution. Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it is safe. But can we please give the same warnings for the synthetic products that surround us all the time? Just because it is sold in a store, with a big name brand or even an unknown brand, doesn't mean it is safe!
Our planet and the people on it are getting sicker and it really concerns us. What concerns us even more is that many people are oblivious to it OR just don't care - until they HAVE to make changes. We often wonder how much our technological advances are truly benefiting us!
We encourage you to open the box, Pandora's that is. Question the products you buy, read the labels, read the inserts, and research them. You don't have to look into everything at once, just start with one product. Don't take our word for it, or anyone else's, be your own expert!
Make informed decisions and be confident with what you are spending your money on and putting on your body. Each time you choose to use something, you are making a vote for the kind of planet you want to live on and the health of your body. Make sure those votes are based on knowledge!