Are you using still using candles or synthetic air fresheners in your home?
Did you know that they can be EXTREMELY toxic?
Did you know that many scented candles contain lead in the wick?
Anytime I go near a shop with candles or air fresheners or fragrances, I start to feel sick! I can feel my body warning me that something isn't right and to get away. If we don't listen to those signals they start to get less an almost disappear. This is one of our body's first defenses in keeping us safe - those little signals that something isn't right, a headache, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes etc.
Most candles are made with paraffin which is a by product from the petroleum industry. This mean a heap of nasty gasses go into your home when you burn paraffin. It’s like having a personal diesel engine running inside your home. Nothing like the smell of diesel fumes to get you through the day!
Particles from burning candles have a stronger effect than diesel exhaust particles.
The same experiment also found that exposures to particles from burning candles induced telomere shortening in the lungs and spleen. Recent studies indicate that telomere length, which can be affected by various lifestyle factors, can affect the pace of aging and onset of age-associated diseases."
Let's look at Soy. It is often Genetically Modified and even though it is ‘better for us’ than paraffin, it’s sadly supporting GM farming - which is a whole other issue!
Many scented products also contain a heap of toxic and carcinogenic ingredients. That means they are linked to cancer and making you very sick. In many cases you won't know what chemicals are used in a product because they are "proprietary" which means the company wants to keep them secret so no one can copy. So you take the chance with a chemical cocktail that could be having a huge impact on your health.
"Fragrances" contain a huge number of endocrine disrupting phthalates. That means they are screwing with your hormones and your health. Phthalates have been linked to number of cancers including breast and prostate cancer. It is really bad news! If you’re burning a candle or using an air freshener (PLEASE DON'T USE SYNTHETIC AIR FRESHENERS!!) and you smell a smell that you can't identify, more than likely it is fake. What on earth does ‘spring sensation’ or ‘morning dew’ really smell like? Even a scent that you can identify is most likely using synthetic fragrances made to mimic the real thing. This is because they need it to be the same every single batch and nature doesn't work that way! Synthetic fragrance is SO bad for your health!
Do not be swayed by "All Natural" or unscented products. These are also often made with chemicals that will severely impact your health. Just because you can't smell something or it smells like "lavender" doesn't mean it is.
I could go on about all the aromas we are exposed to from plastics, new furniture, new clothes, personal care products, makeup, perfumes, new cars, toys, cleaning products, insecticides and so much more. We often think that there is just one obvious thing that causes the issues, we are exposed to SO MANY chemicals and fragrances each day our bodies are being overloaded. I know many of you want to have a lovely aroma in your home - Me too! However I want to do it with a safe, natural and toxic free option.
Having the purest oils you can get (we use doTERRA), and a cold water diffuser will solve that problem for you! You can even choose the oils to lift your mood, calm you down, invigorate you etc, without a toxic load on your system! An ultrasonic diffuser has a small plate inside that will vibrate at high speed and create a mist that will allow essential oil particles to travel into the air.
Benefits of using a diffuser and pure essential oils:
If you are not sure what oils to put in the diffuser, use your intuition and just give it a go as you may be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. There are also an unlimited selection of diffuser recipes available you can try
Share your favourite oil combination below!